Capital e ideología

Capital e ideología - Thomas Piketty - Grano de sal
Publisher name: 
Grano de sal
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

Every society needs to justify its inequalities. Without reasons that present them as something acceptable, the political and social building would collapse. From an original perspective —in which the optics of the economist and the one who wants to improve society converge, the desire to intermingle multiple social sciences and to encourage public debate—, Thomas Piketty traces in these pages the history and destiny of the Inequalitarian regimes, from pre-revolutionary France and the slave systems in America to the hypercapitalism of our days and the post-communist states with their frivolous tycoons, through nineteenth-century property owners and ruthless European colonialism. In this long and detailed journey, the author of Capital in the 21st century identifies the unfulfilled promises of the Social Democracy, the reluctance of the groups in power to undertake far-reaching tax more


Book: Capital e ideología

ISBN: 9786079870591
Precio de lista: $695.00
Descuento: 10%