Capitalismo libidinal

Antropología neoliberal, políticas del deseo, derechización del malestar

Capitalismo libidinal - Amador Fernández-Savater - Ned Ediciones
Publisher name: 
Ned Ediciones
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

Life has become a market. As if it were our second nature, we move around in Uber, we travel with Airbnb, we flirt on Tinder, we buy on Glovo, we entertain ourselves on Netflix, we talk about ourselves in the language of human capital.
This second nature, which Amador Fernández-Savater calls libidinal capitalism, promises us happiness, but what it really produces is suffering and discomfort, in the form of precariousness, indebtedness and psychic pain. Paradoxically, the right seems more effective today than anyone else in channelling this desperation and its force of rejection (Trump, Bolsonaro, Milei), while the communication strategies and containment policies of the left are proving insufficient.
Is it possible to reappropriate our discomfort as an energy for social transformation? It will be necessary to learn to listen to and speak the language of the body, to more


Book: Capitalismo libidinal

ISBN: 9788419407252
Precio de lista: $440.00
Descuento: 10%