Casos Clínicos

Evaluación, diagnóstico e intervención en salud mental

Casos Clínicos -  AA.VV. - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 275 g
Rustic with flaps

This book brings together and exposes a total of twenty clinical cases of professional practice of the authors. Some focus on the process of evaluation and diagnosis, while others focus on the indication and development of treatment. In all the cases that this book addresses, the accent is placed on the individual style of each patient, taking into account the communication, relationship and attachment patterns, so important when constructing the relational framework with their environment and essential to understand in depth their difficulties or disorders. Among the professionals who provide clinical information and who sign the different cases, we find psychologists and psychiatrists, adult psychotherapists, children and adolescents or couples and families. All of them have tackled the task of preparing this book through a real interdisciplinary teamwork. The clinical material is more

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychopathology

Book: Casos Clínicos

ISBN: 9788425440366
Precio de lista: $680.00
Descuento: 30%