Cerebro izquierdo, cerebro derecho

Cerebro izquierdo, cerebro derecho -  AA.VV. - Gedisa
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Weight: 15.5 g

Separation operations of the cerebral hemispheres made in the sixties aroused the interest of the phenomena of cerebral asymmetry.The spectacular split brain operations performed in the 1960s aroused considerable interest since highlighted the differences between left and right brain hemispheres. However, the asymmetry between hemispheres was detected for the first time in the nineteenth century.This book provides the reader with a history of research and observations in this exciting field of physiology and neuropsychology.Therefore serves instruction, on strictly scientific grounds, to different aspects of brain function: zurdera, difficulties in learning, gender differences in higher mental functions, mental illnesses, and suggests hypotheses about brain-physiological foundations variations in styles of culture and models of consciousness


Book: Cerebro izquierdo, cerebro derecho

ISBN: 8474321891
Precio de lista: $535.00
Descuento: 20%