Ceremonias del alba

Ceremonias del alba - Carlos Fuentes - Siglo XXI Editores
Publisher name: 
Siglo XXI Editores
Year of publication: 

Twenty years ago, thinking more about politics than about theater, I published in Mexico and Spain a dialogue, or rather a chorus, entitled All cats are brown (21st century). It was a passionate, immediate, but reflexive response to the events of 1968 in my country, culminating in the Tlatelolco massacre on October 2. There was proven the incapacity of the PRI-president system to give a political answer to our political problems. Enclosed in arrogance, self-congratulation, and obsessive denial of problems, the system had no more word than crime. The cultural challenge of the university students and the middle strata of the country, looking for solutions to the sclerosis of the Institutional Revolution, knew no answer more symbolic than that of a collective murder in a place called the Three Cultures. The present version maintains the title of the French translation of Céline Zins publ...read more


Book: Ceremonias del alba

ISBN: 9789682317132
Precio de lista: $215.00
Descuento: 20%