
Del dolor a la esperanza

Chiapas -  AA.VV. - Catarata
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Book size:
Soft cover

In one of the documents published in this volume, the message addressed to the people of Spain on behalf of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, Subcommander Marcos writes: "We want to send our greetings to the Spanish people and thank them for the interest they have shown in the indigenous movement of southeastern Mexico and the support they have given in the search for peace with justice and dignity for all Mexicans... The communities that support our just cause have decided to adopt a word that cannot be understood in the head, that cannot be studied in books, that cannot be learned by heart; it is a word that is asked for with the heart, a word that is felt in the chest and that makes men and women proud to belong to the human race. This word is dignity, respect for ourselves, for our right to be better, for our right to fight for what we believe in, for our right to live more

Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Política

Book: Chiapas

ISBN: 9788481981001
Precio de lista: $490.00
Descuento: 25%