Ciencia + tecnología + sociedad + museos =

Cómo conseguir que el futuro se parezca a lo que esperamos

Ciencia + tecnología + sociedad + museos = - Javier Serrano Martínez - Trea
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Today, scientific and technological progress is not synonymous way of improving the quality of life, but a fuzzy logic better machines, bolder or amazing science technological tools, along with changes in social paradigm, complex social relationships or new risks to the planet and its occupants. Progress is not what it was, and the future either. Scientific and technological progress that has achieved amazing feats: humans have left the planet to explore the universe, life expectancy is incredibly higher than it was only a century ago, technologies that could solve global problems forever investigated and many more. However, it is open to debate highs. Have contributed more individual and collective welfare science and technology? For everyone? There is need for a democratic debate on the direction and use of scientific knowledge. The scientific community and policy makers should more


Book: Ciencia + tecnología + sociedad + museos =

ISBN: 9788497046978
Precio de lista: $800.00
Descuento: 25%