Ciencia y religión

El matrimonio entre el alma y los sentidos

Ciencia y religión - Ken Wilber - Kairós
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 323.2 g
Soft cover

Science and religion is probably the most accessible book by Ken Wilber. Maybe also the most ambitious. Why the disastrous confrontation between science and religion during the last centuries? The objective of Wilber is here that of a non-trivial reconciliation between both domains. A reconciliation between the objective world of scientific knowledge. For this, Wilber begins with a systematic review of the attempts already made to achieve the integration between science and religion, explaining why romantic, idealistic and postmodern approaches have failed. He then explains and develops, with enormous brilliance and didacticism, his own point of view. If both fields are delimited in depth, it can be shown how science is perfectly compatible with the great spiritual traditions of the world. As Huston Smith has written, no one - not even Jung - has done as much as Wilber to open the more


Category: All >> Spirituality

Book: Ciencia y religión

ISBN: 9788472454101
Precio de lista: $490.00
Descuento: 15%