Como si no pisase el suelo

Trece ensayos sobre las vidas de Fernando Pessoa

Como si no pisase el suelo - Carlos Taibo - Trotta
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If the biographies of Fernando Pessoa parties referred to mental ailments character, his literary work, the esoteric dimension present in the life and work of the poet is discounted, and the political dilettantism that many times this was delivered in the best case a few dozen pages will be to examine, while, in another dimension, secretly happy material condition of a human being and deeply unhappy. This book delves into what those biographies considered minor relief to study aspects of the life of Pessoa who claim a monographic approach: the character of the writer, his everyday life, work, fame that reached posterity waiting, loves , travel, photographs, the languages ​​in which it unfolded, death or, finally, their relationship with the country, Galicia, from which this work is written.

While it is true that most specialists Pessoa's life is a simple accident? Light that more

Category: All >> Literature >> Literary essay

Book: Como si no pisase el suelo

ISBN: 9788498792171
Precio de lista: $830.00
Descuento: 25%