Cómo usar la información en trabajos de investigación

Cómo usar la información en trabajos de investigación -  AA.VV. - Gedisa
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 17 g

Doing research can be exciting because it means producing something new, creative, unpublished. But soon he runs into the difficulty of not knowing how to properly organize the accumulated data or how consistently expose. This book provides an important general reflection on how to transform accumulated information in communication. It presents strategies for making the most pertinent questions on a chosen topic shows how to organize the search for information and how to order it according to their characteristics. The work includes many concrete examples to develop research strategies and also teaches the most elegant and whites edit jobs using simple and available resources on any computer program forms. A book immediately useful for students of sociology, science journalism, psychology and business studies, but also helpful for young researchers from any academic discipline and pro...read more


Book: Cómo usar la información en trabajos de investigación

ISBN: 8474326974
Precio de lista: $680.00
Descuento: 20%