Comunidad, inmunidad y biopolítica

Comunidad, inmunidad y biopolítica - Roberto Esposito - Herder
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Weight: 275 g

Community immunity and biopolitics are terms that indicate the closing of the modern political lexicon in an era that moves beyond its limits. They are also words that inaugurate a new way of thinking about politics in a time that challenges to life, understood in its biological aspect. It is, in short, the fundamental categories by which Roberto Esposito made a thought that is among the most recognized and original contemporary continental philosophy. _x000D_

What, what can be a policy no longer think of life as objects but as subjects of politics? A policy well, no longer on life but of life. These are questions that obviously can not be answered in individual research, but claim a collective effort that we are all invited.


Book: Comunidad, inmunidad y biopolítica

ISBN: 8425426001
Precio de lista: $600.00
Descuento: 30%