Conocer a través del cambio  

Conocer a través del cambio   - Giorgio Nardone - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 330 g

Knowing Through Change presents the culmination of two decades of progress in psychotherapy using the innovative approach to strategic brief therapy which involves using the logic of the patients to help them overcome their problems. As the martial art of aikido, strategic brief therapy allows the therapist to use the strength of the patient's resistance to defeat entrenched psychopathology, which persist despite medication, traditional therapy for years. The complete treatment has an average of about 10-15 sessions. This book presents the therapeutic processes of different types of problems in order to demonstrate that the right strategies, applied in the order right system can create permanent positive changes without displacement of existing symptoms or relapses. The approach is based on years of empirical research and is summarized in a clear way to demonstrate that the protocols more


Book: Conocer a través del cambio  

ISBN: 8425424976
Precio de lista: $800.00
Descuento: 30%