Constelar familias

Fundamentos y procedimientos

Constelar familias - Jakob R. Scheider - Herder México
Publisher name: 
Herder México
Year of publication: 
Weight: 310 g
Rustic with flaps

You are holding an introductory book and updated about the principles of family constellations, as well structured, methodical and with many illustrative case examples and often moving, which sums up a logical, discrete and always interesting development, the principles core, focus, posture and the different ways to proceed in family constellations. Schneider rounded addition to fundamental theoretical considerations. All knowledge, concepts, principles and fundamentals developed by Bert Hellinger are easily understood and described in brief and concise chapters, and I know of no book that describes the specific spectrum of the practice of family constellations in such a clear, focused and rather extensive. The book was never intended to instruct, suggestions or impose dogmas, but invites to get an idea about the constellations own family and his affections, and to draw their own more


Category: All >> Psychology >> Constellations

Book: Constelar familias

ISBN: 9786077727033
Precio de lista: $550.00
Descuento: 30%