Publisher name:
El NaranjoYear of publication:
136 Book size:
Weight: 270 g
RusticCopo de Algodón, daughter of the princess of Tacuba and the Lord of Tenochtitlan, and wife of the Lord of Iztapalapa, was born in the era of the Fifth Sun, in a city that a fierce and warrior people raised in a lagoon of turquoise reflections. She believed in Tláloc and Huitzilopochtli, and she loved flowers and songs. One day his world was shaken, like the waters when throwing a stone ... He knows, through his voice, the events of his time: the flowery wars, the Cholula massacre, the arrival of Hernán Cortés, the death of Moctezuma , the site of Tenochtitlan ... and immerse yourself in the ancient history of Mexico, in the existence of its characters and in the fascinating worldview of this town.