
Cosmorama - Liz Mevill - Festina Publicaciones
Year of publication: 

Cosmorama is a book made up of a sequence of images derived from the author's photographic record from different areas of Mexico City.

The term cosmorama refers to the optical effect that occurs in the projection of images through the instrument known as "camera obscura". The effect appears when a lens is added to this instrument that increases the proportions of natural scenes and projected urban landscapes. Through these distortion lenses, which are Mevill's perception and his particular relationship with Mexico City, buildings, monuments, grills, advertisements, and the phenomena of reappropriation of public space are reinterpreted, in order to create new images whose limitations and unilateral approach are not the object of work, but the experimentation derived from that habit of registering the everyday.


Book: Cosmorama

ISBN: 9786079889784
Precio de lista: $180.00
Descuento: 15%