Criminales y fracasados

Cinco retratos

Criminales y fracasados - Felicitas Hoppe - Pollo blanco
Publisher name: 
Pollo blanco
Year of publication: 

At 37, Felicitas Hoppe embarked on a cargo ship that would go around the world: the sea attracted her powerfully. Several of his titles give an account of this fascination, as well as his interest in absurd characters and historical episodes. Hoppe continues the literary tradition of the traveling German writer, and renews it through a prose that is a poetics of language and imagination. Their narrators are ironic, they observe the most grotesque aspects of a reality in continuous delirium.

In Verbrecher und Versager. Fünf Porträts (Criminals and failures, five portraits) the Latin American reader will become part of the games and stylistic daring of an author who is interested in telling the adventures of five characters at the margins of history. This edition will be the first publication of the author in Spanish language, being Mexico the port of linguistic disembarkation.


Book: Criminales y fracasados

ISBN: 9786079738549