Cuaderno de ciencia

Un diario para conocerte y plasmar grandes ideas

Cuaderno de ciencia - Rachel Ignotofsky - Capitán Swing
Publisher name: 
Capitán Swing
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 372 g
Rustic with flaps

With various formulas and information, the author of the successful Women of Science and Women in Sport, presents this diary with suggestions so that you can play, discover, take notes and do much more. Packed with ideas for writing and painting, quotes from eminent scientists, and beautiful science illustrations, this journal will inspire boys and girls of all ages to fill its pages with ideas, big dreams for the future, and all that they'll discover about themselves. themselves.

Category: All >> Popular science

Book: Cuaderno de ciencia

ISBN: 9788417651039
Precio de lista: $610.00
Descuento: 25%