Cuarenta y nueve poemas

Cuarenta y nueve poemas - Rainer Maria Rilke - Trotta
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If Rilke the poet par excellence, it is because he put his entire service life of poetry: had no goal finish the work he was called to do. The most subtle feelings, the most accurate descriptions, the grandest visions: that is the essence of each of the three successive stages in which crystallizes his work. And all he did with extraordinary spiritual and verbal acuity. As Paul Valéry wrote, Rilke managed to illuminate the deepest secrets of the intimacy of man.

This anthology is intended to encompass the poetic production of Rilke. There in her youth poems and poems of maturity, representing the evolution of this work, and also of the issues and more present in her tones. Of all the books that Rilke wrote there any sign between these Forty-nine poems.

Category: All >> Literature >> Poetry

Book: Cuarenta y nueve poemas

ISBN: 9788498795271
Precio de lista: $635.00
Descuento: 25%