The stories of Emilia Pardo Bazán are so current today because her literary talent and imagination are joined by a fine sensitivity, a great knowledge of the human being and an irrepressible desire to expose her passions, weaknesses and rational stumbling blocks with which she weaves and unravel the deadly skein of its destiny. To this is coupled his mastery of narration, his taste for the short story, and the gift that Bazán has to construct or edify through the "anecdote" or "gossip" a great story - from whose morality much is learned - , written with elegance, sobriety, and always with a dose of mystery, intrigue and winks to the reader.
In the vital and transgressive character of Bazán's lyrics, one breathes the political tension in Spain at the end of the 19th century between traditionalism and liberalism. The literary setting of the stories by the exceptional Galician na...read more