Cultura y dictadura

Censuras, proyectos e institucionalidad cultural en Chile, 1973-1989

Cultura y dictadura - Karen Esther Donoso Fritz - Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 390 g
Soft cover

The military dictatorship established in Chile in 1973 has remained in Latin American history as one of the most cruel and ruthless of the 20th century. The configuration of a repressive state system had as a backdrop the implementation of neoliberalism as an economic policy, in a formula combined with authoritarianism that would become a model worldwide. This book, in short, provides new elements for the analysis of this period and focuses on the field of state cultural policies. It is interesting to elucidate the ways in which a new ideological construct around culture was discussed and implemented from the institutional apparatus and the forms adopted by the intervention of government agencies in the world of the arts.

Category: All >> Social sciences >> Politics

Book: Cultura y dictadura

ISBN: 9789563571745