De la angustia al lenguaje

De la angustia al lenguaje - Maurice Blanchot - Trotta
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Weight: 220 g

Published as the first section of the book entitled Faux pas (1943), From anguish to language brings together a series of short essays centered around literature and language —and their aporias— based on critical and creative dialogue, that Maurice Blanchot, in a singular way and with his unmistakable style, establishes with authors as different as his great friend Bataille and Master Eckhart, Racine and Blake, Kierkegaard and Proust, Paulhan and Giraudoux, without forgetting either Leonardo da Vinci or Hindu thought.
This compilation of texts, preceded by a long reflection on the writer's anguish and the paradoxes that this does not cease to entail, constitutes an unbeatable sample of what has been the trajectory, in the field of literary criticism, of this great novelist and thinker that is Maurice Blanchot.

Reviews and Critiques:

- «Maurice Blanchot is the most more


Book: De la angustia al lenguaje

ISBN: 9788498799996
Precio de lista: $610.00
Descuento: 25%