De Orwell al cibercontrol

De Orwell al cibercontrol - Armand Mattelart - Gedisa
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Recent revelations about the illegal practices of the American Security Agency (NSA), or discovery by a massive user of digital tracking by Facebook witness the magnitude of hypervigilance to which we are subjected. However, away from traditional disciplinary model on which George Orwell warned in its Big Brother, now controls exercised from multiple and sophisticated fronts, which increasingly involuntary participation of citizens is higher.

Armand André Vitalis Mattelart and offer us reflect on a novel and disturbing concept: profiling, ie the indirect control of individuals -often in order to anticipate their behaviors- through study and systematic exploitation of data-and are their movements or their patterns of consumption.
While the model of totalitarian surveillance exhibited control in the post-Orwellian world it is imposed without full awareness on our part; It more


Book: De Orwell al cibercontrol

ISBN: 9788497848848
Precio de lista: $495.00
Descuento: 20%