Del Homo al embrión

Ética y biología para el siglo XXI

Del Homo al embrión - José Luís Velázquez - Gedisa
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The spectacular advances in assisted reproductive techniques have definitely broken with dogma, and questioned by the Darwinian theory of the stability of our constitution and conduct, which must also include our ethical capacities. We started largely evolving to chance, but bioethics requires us to ask to what end is lawful to act as creators of our evolutionary destiny? Do we have the ability to assess where they lead us to the possibilities of reproductive genetics?  After rebuilding the arguments of the debate between proponents of Darwinian naturalist ethics and followers of the exclusively theoretical ethics, heir to the Judeo-Christian tradition, the author examines in detail the issues that are now pressing ..  The work provides accurate information about experimentation on human embryos, on cloning and new forms of eugenics. The most relevant scientific findings in this more



Book: Del Homo al embrión

ISBN: 8474329795
Precio de lista: $470.00
Descuento: 20%