Demasiadas leyes

Demasiadas leyes - Herbert Spencer - Sequitur
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

If, in a great number of cases, government measures do not cure the evils they are intended to cure; if, in an equal number of cases, they worsen evils instead of remedying them; if, in other cases, also frequent, they do not cure certain evils but create others, often worse ones; if, finally, private individuals are constantly forced to supply the insufficiency of power, even for the performance of functions without which the State could not exist, what reason is there for still calling for new public administrations? Why do certain people incessantly preach that the action of the legislator should be extended?


Book: Demasiadas leyes

ISBN: 9788415707912
Precio de lista: $210.00
Descuento: 25%