Deutschbuch · Sprach- und Lesebuch Neue Grundausgabe · 5. Schuljahr

Arbeitsheft mit Lösungen

Deutschbuch · Sprach- und Lesebuch Neue Grundausgabe · 5. Schuljahr -  AA.VV. - Cornelsen
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Weight: 323.2 g

The New Basic Edition is clearly structured into areas of competence: Speaking - Listening - Writing Reading - Handling texts and media Reflecting on language Working techniques and methods The textbook completely and spirally takes into account the competence expectations formulated in the curricula and uses all types of task specific to the year. The chapter structure in three steps enables systematic and integrative work. Ideas for Teaching - Diagnosing, Differentiating, Promoting These master copy templates provide entry-level diagnoses for learning progress, worksheets on key areas of competence with self-regulatory solutions, Differentiation and funding material on two levels, proposals for tests and class work with evaluation sheets Compact didactic zrientierungswissen All copy templates as editable Word files on CD-ROM Lessons for teaching They contain in addition to class more

Category: All >> Languages >> German

Book: Deutschbuch · Sprach- und Lesebuch Neue Grundausgabe · 5. Schuljahr

ISBN: 9783060608027