Diagnóstico estructural en el niño 

Diagnóstico estructural en el niño  - Francisco  Palacio Espasa - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 325 g

Structural diagnosis in children is an essential aid for professionals and students of psychology and psychiatry, because it offers a truly novel classification of childhood disorders very common but poorly understood so far. The "limit states" or "borderline" have become a kind of "garbage" that has come to incorporate all those symptoms that can not be integrated into the traditional distinction between structure psychiatric psychotic and neurotic. Faced with this problem, and from a very extensive clinical experience, the authors have developed a set of criteria to define more precisely the symptoms and conduct disorders do not fully correspond to the structure or the neurotic psychotic. Dufour Palacio Espasa and propose a classification scheme with more precise terminology (as paraneurosis, parapsicosis, paradepresión, etc.). Very useful for detailed criteria to guide observation ...read more


Book: Diagnóstico estructural en el niño 

ISBN: 8425422701
Precio de lista: $1,005.00
Descuento: 30%