Dialéctica de la naturaleza

Dialéctica de la naturaleza - Friedrich Engels - Akal
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Year of publication: 
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Weight: 600 g

When we reflect on the origins of Marxism, we immediately think, with good reason, of German philosophy, English political economy, and French socialism and political currents, all of which are fundamental elements in the gestation of scientific socialism.
However, Marx and Engels not only witnessed political revolutions throughout their lives; During the nineteenth century, scientific and technological progress also gave birth to comparable achievements in the field of natural sciences: the birth of modern chemistry, Darwin's evolutionary theory, the discovery by Pasteur and others of a whole microbial world ... it became Therefore, it is essential to elaborate, in the light of the dialectical character of the new data obtained by the natural sciences, a dialectical materialist conception of nature that assumes such achievements and, absorbed as Marx was in the drafting of Capi...read more


Book: Dialéctica de la naturaleza

ISBN: 9788446044512
Precio de lista: $560.00
Descuento: 20%