Diálogo de casadas y cortesanas

Diálogo de casadas y cortesanas - Pietro Aretino - Editorial fontamara
Publisher name: 
Editorial fontamara
Year of publication: 

Pedo Aretino, theatrical author and creator of libelos, endowed with a fine ingenuity, got, through its irreverent works, to establish a refreshing counterweight to the refined culture of his time. His work is composed of a large number of topics and not only by scandal literature, as some define it, perhaps, by these dialogues where the courtesan institution analyzes as a physical and moral prostitution, as a typical phenomenon of a society in crisis, transmitting Through it its acid and irreverent point of view about society and custom of its time, constituting a ruthless satire of it.

A dialogue of married and courtesans is considered as the work that contributed greatly for Aretino to be considered as an obscene writer, although it does nothing more than describe the profession of courtesan. It is divided into two parts, the first, located in Rome, contains a colloquium whe...read more


Book: Diálogo de casadas y cortesanas

ISBN: 9789684766167
Precio de lista: $120.00
Descuento: 15%