The central objective of the seducer is the physical possession of the woman; however, in this novel, the author, through his character, proposes a deeper, more complete conquest, achieved both through the play of emotional tension through the resource of the epistle, as well as through the mastery of poetics as a weapon of seduction and treated as an erotic category. The seducer par excellence is the Devil, and this is the protagonist of the novel: a variant of Don Juan; a splitting of Kierkegaard himself, a hopelessly dissatisfied alter ego who wants his entire femininity from every woman; a Don Juan humorist, Mephistophelian reasoner, vampire in his implacable absorption of the loved and martyred woman, in his breaking of all limits in an endless search for satiety. For her part, Cordelia, the victim, the woman conquered based on promises of love, she confesses after Kierkegaard's ...read more