Diccionario de mitos

Diccionario de mitos - Carlos García Gual - Turner
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Year of publication: 
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Hard cover

Classical myths and contemporary myths finally brought together in a single dictionary at the hands of the greatest humanist in Spain

When it appeared, this dictionary of mythological figures already caused surprise by incorporating, along with all the Greek Olympus and the most classic myths, modern characters such as Superman or Carmen. Now, a generation later, Don Quixote, Moses, Tarzan and Sherlock Holmes, among many others, are added.

In total, almost one hundred entries make up this very personal dictionary, from Adam to Zeus. Fundamental to delve into Western literary culture, with an accessible and enjoyable style, led by the best classicist in Spanish.


Book: Diccionario de mitos

ISBN: 9788418895173
Precio de lista: $440.00
Descuento: 10%