20,038 verbs, 43,905 meanings. 3698 utterances or phrases. Etymologies 7968 and more than 10,000 literary quotations and examples of use. Synonyms, homophones, homophones, antonyms, derivatives, variants and barbarism. Describe all regular conjugations, semiregular and irregular, establishing and setting the 100 models of conjugation and accentuation of the verbs of our language. Foreword by Don Rafael Rodríguez Marín, Deputy Director of the Institute of Lexicography of the Royal Spanish Academy. Throughout more than twelve years the author has been collecting materials for the preparation of a Dictionary of Word, which was proposed inventory, set and define the maximum number of them, provided they have documentary evidence of their existence and course, following the models of Spanish conjugation. The result of this work is the present work, written, debugged and corrected with pati...read more