Didáctica de la filosofía

Prácticas, retos y expectativas

Didáctica de la filosofía - Rolando Picos Bovio - Itaca
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 250 g
Soft cover

The didactics of philosophy involves asking about the profile and resources that the philosophy teacher puts into play in the classroom in order to generate in the process an effective, dynamic and creative philosophizing in the students rather than mere circumstantial and orthodox learning. It is, at the same time, as stated in this book, a mutual, bidirectional learning.

The works gathered here have as their axis the concern for the teaching, training, methods, resources and possibilities of philosophy in the changing and diverse contexts in which it is present. They point out the complexity and emergency that philosophy faces in academic spaces and outside them, particularly in the context of the condition of globalized knowledge of the 21st century.

Understanding philosophical praxis as didactics for liberation means returning to the most vital essence of philosophy ...read more


Book: Didáctica de la filosofía

ISBN: 9786072707740