Dionisio a cielo abierto

Dionisio a cielo abierto - Marcel Detienne - Gedisa
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Soft cover

"Dionysus is undoubtedly the most cosmopolitan of the gods of Greece" and in these pages it is possible to know the wide penetration of this character in an imaginary shared with Siva, the god of Israel —"the one of the feast, that of the harvest of fruits" — or the Egyptian Osiris. The present is an enlightening essay on one of the most fascinating gods of Greek mythology, whom Baudelaire calls the mysterious god in the fibers of the vine. The mask that hides it is the one that reveals it. His appearance is made of incessant games, of presence and absence, his identity remains indefinitely in the equivocation. It is thus presented under the mask of the one who is never in his abode; embodies in the Greek imaginary that alien of the interior. In a vigorous and provocative prose, a Dionysus is offered that inhabits the powers of the vine and that, when its juice sprouts - a substance i...read more


Book: Dionisio a cielo abierto

ISBN: 9788474322576
Precio de lista: $340.00
Descuento: 20%