This book gathers a conversation between Luigi Ferrajoli and Juan Ruiz Manero in which three parts can be distinguished. In the first of them, the dialogue runs through the sixties-old cultural atmosphere, the situation of the theory of law in Italy in the sixties / seventies, the teaching exercised by Norberto Bobbio in those same years and the meaning of the democratic magistracy movement. In the second part, which is the central and broadest part of this small volume, there is a confrontation between the models of constitutionalism and, in general, of theory of Law held by each of the authors: between the model «guarantee », Whose main exponent is precisely Ferrajoli, and the model that is usually called« postpositivist »or« principialist », in which Ruiz Manero can be located. The third part of the book is devoted to some salient points of the diagnosis and the therapies proposed ...read more