Edipo gay

Heteronormatividad y psicoanálisis

Edipo gay - Jorge N. Reitter - Navarra
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Soft cover

This book arises from the conviction, surely controversial, that hegemonic psychoanalysis, as it is practiced, does not get along with sexualities that do not respond to heterosexual normativity. Of course there are many ways to differ from the heterosexual norm, and each requires a particular treatment. Here we focus on some aspects of psychoanalysis's relationship with male “homosexuality,” the form of sexuality that reveals that masters They also have a hole, and that potentially houses enjoyment. “Psychoanalysis” is a very complex and by no means homogeneous field and there are theorizations that strongly challenge heteronormativity, and analysts, even in hegemonic institutions, are much more willing than others to embrace other forms of sexuality, just as those who are They boast of “curing” “homosexuals”, who would, of course, be “sick”. Beyond all these important differences, p...read more

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychoanalysis

Book: Edipo gay

ISBN: 9786078789436
Precio de lista: $350.00
Descuento: 10%