El Ángel de la Ventana de Occidente

El Ángel de la Ventana de Occidente - Gustav Meyrink - Valdemar
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Book size:
Weight: 839 g
Hard cover

Gustav Meyrink (Vienna, 1868), illegitimate son of the famous actress María Meyer and Baron Karl von Venbüler, went to school in Munich and Hamburg, and studied the baccalaureate in Prague. From then on his fate was linked to this city. His peculiar hobbies, his turbulent nightlife, his magnetic personality and a sense of honor that forced him to fight continuously in duel, made him the terror of the Praguense bourgeoisie. Meyrink considered himself clairvoyant and practiced spiritualism. He acquired great dominance of the body and mind thanks to yoga, experienced with drugs and became an alchemist consummate. Meyrink's works, among which is his immortal novel El Golem, seem the times. The angel of the Western window, Meyrink's latest novel, tells the fantastic story of a man who, after taking care of the papers of a deceased cousin, begins to have nightmares and visions about his anc...read more



Book: El Ángel de la Ventana de Occidente

ISBN: 9788477025344
Precio de lista: $835.00
Descuento: 25%