On January 18, 1889, Franz Overbeck, a theologian from Basel, went to Turin to try to save his friend Nietzsche who had fallen into a deep insanity – a task that turned out to be impossible – finding him surrounded by piles of papers, recovering what he believed among which was the (carefully wrapped) manuscript of The Antichrist, published in 1895. This work has been misunderstood because it has also been misunderstood, perhaps because, as the author himself pointed out, it is a book for a select minority. : “This book belongs to the least. Perhaps none of them are alive yet. They will undoubtedly be those who understand my Zarathustra… Some are born posthumously”.
The antichrist constitutes one of the key works of Nietzschean thought, it is a theology in reverse, a theology of sin. Despite the fact that several paragraphs of the work were initially mutilated, even the subtitl...read more