El Antiguo Egipto

Los primeros grandes imperios de la historia

El Antiguo Egipto - Irene Cordón i Solà-Sagalés - Shackleton
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Soft cover

We would hardly find another civilization or period of history as widely recognizable to the general public as Ancient Egypt. However, the immense popularity of his most iconic creations does not usually correspond with an equivalent knowledge of the people who created them; Questions such as who the ancient Egyptians were, how they lived or what their history was, are covered by a dense fog for most of us. The situation worsens if we move to the neighboring lands of Mesopotamia, where, during the same period, civilizations such as the Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian and Assyrian flourished; names of towns that, at best, constitute a distant memory of our no less distant school days. This is not a minor gap, as it means missing out on one of the most fascinating events imaginable: humanity's journey into history.

Category: All >> History >> History General

Book: El Antiguo Egipto

ISBN: 9788413610726
Precio de lista: $249.00
Descuento: 10%