El arte de la justia medida

El arte de la justia medida - Anselm Grün - Trotta
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 160 g

A life without measure is inconceivable. The measure not only serves as a guideline in all material and practical matters, it is also essential when weighing and making fair decisions. But we must know when the measure is full. How to determine it? How to find the right measure? These are fundamental questions, as they concern many aspects of life: dealing with creation, that is, the relationship of the human being with nature and its resources; To consumption, but also to the image we have of ourselves; To our mental and physical health; To the organization of daily routine and free time; To stinginess and greed; To the appreciation of others; To surveillance. Anselm Grün traces all these facets using the Benedictine Rule and the spiritual tradition of the ancient monks, who acquire an unexpected topicality. In this task he is not interested in moral appeals; Rather, it seeks to show...read more


Book: El arte de la justia medida

ISBN: 9788498796643
Precio de lista: $625.00
Descuento: 25%