A manual of classical wisdom on the art of being free, written by Epictetus, which shows us how to manage our emotions by applying the essence of Stoic teachings: peace of mind, absence of fear and freedom.
Born a slave in Rome, the Stoic philosopher Epictetus teaches us that mental freedom is supreme, as it can free us anywhere, even in prison. The Art of Being Free is a magnificent new edition of Epictetus' famous manual on Stoic philosophy of life, the Enchiridion. It also offers a selection of reflections related to freedom, collected in his Dissertations, which show the most stimulating aspects of his philosophy.
Freedom, for Epictetus, is a psychological and ethical achievement, a gift that only we can give ourselves. We can all be free if we learn to assign primary value to what we can control—desires, judgments, motivations, and reactions—to treat what does not d...read more