A manual of classical wisdom to manage time wisely and make our lives count, written by Seneca, one of the greatest representatives of Stoicism.
Who has not sometimes felt that smartphones, the Internet and television distract us and steal time from our lives? How can we be masters of our time and make the most of it? Already in the 1st century AD. C., Seneca, the famous Roman politician and philosopher, offered one of the most famous answers to this question in his famous work On the Brevity of Life, which is still fully relevant today and which we present here in a vibrant new translation.
With devastating satirical wit, Seneca mocks the ways we waste our time without realizing how precious it is. We do not allow them to steal our money, but we do allow them to plunder our time, or we give it away ourselves in useless and idle searches. Seneca exhorts us to make better...read more