El arte y las provocaciones teológicas

Diálogos emergentes entre las artes, teorías estéticas, teología y estudios de religión

El arte y las provocaciones teológicas -  AA.VV. - Ibero
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Soft cover

The triggering question of this anthology revolves around the possible relationship between art and theology, without this relationship annulling the autonomy of each of these spheres. Our research proposes to explore multiple languages, media, genres, discourses, hermeneutics and expressions that reflect this dilemma, and that at the same time generate fruitful transversal dialogues, deliberately avoiding the elaboration of a discourse constrained by the limits of its own epistemic-discursive traditions. Therefore, what is shared here is just an aesthetic-theological sketch that invites us to let ourselves be surprised by the radical nature of the dance, pictorial, theological, and literary styles; all poetic, of a desire for plenitude and freedom that from an uncertain language allows us to approach the infinite. Art and theology are thus the perfect couple that lead us to form, to ...read more


Book: El arte y las provocaciones teológicas

ISBN: 9786074177145
Precio de lista: $290.00
Descuento: 15%