El asno de oro

El asno de oro - Lucio Apuleyo - Akal
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Apuleyo (II AD), African, like many Latin writers of his time, brilliant lawyer and inveterido traveler, writer in prose and verse, manipulator of all literary genres, "Platonic" philosopher by dedication and magician by accusation , A curious and restless spirit like the best of his time, left us to the delight of the generations, relief of walkers and entertainment of philologists, the best novel (older sister of all the ancient thousands) of all classical antiquity. His Lucius, the protagonist, disguised under the long ears and leathery skin of the most restless and impertinent ass that has traveled the paths of Thessaly, has witnessed all the pains of the human heart and has suffered, in his flesh, the effect of All injustices, but, at the end of the road, has found peace in the arms of Isis, the goddess who responds to all advocations and underlies under the name of all goddesses...read more


Book: El asno de oro

ISBN: 9788476002698
Precio de lista: $460.00
Descuento: 20%