El bebé es un mamífero

El bebé es un mamífero - Michel Odent - Madreselva
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Soft cover

“This edition of Baby is a Mammal represents an opportunity to review the recent history of birth. In other words, an opportunity to look back. And it must be so because we look to the future. This edition appears now that we cannot go a step further without assimilating the enormous amount of scientific data accumulated during the last twenty years. In the first place, we must ask ourselves how, at a certain cultural level, we can reach a new consciousness, which is why it seems urgent to me to be able to anticipate the history of birth and, thus, enter the realm of fiction. We are in the land of utopia. Only utopia can save humanity ”, Michel Odent.

Category: All >> Popular science

Book: El bebé es un mamífero

ISBN: 9789872616618