El callejón del blues

El callejón del blues - Parménides García Saldaña - Viceversa
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This book is a series of stories, there is a short novel, poems, poetic prose and the inclusion of the script of an unpublished short film -Communion-; which can be read separately... perhaps Parménides García Saldaña somehow knew that he would not have the time to put together a complete novel, although that was the initial intention, that is why he left it to us in the form of stories, so that his readers could delight us with each extract, individually, inversely, intermediately, alternately, whatever; in the manner of Rayuela, by Cortázar (to whom he refers several times) or as the files or draft that Vladimir Nabokov left behind of what he also intended to be a novel and that was finally published as Laura's original. El alley of the blues is an ideal title to describe the regular themes of this work: the end of youth, the melancholy left by broken dreams, desolation and heartbre...read more


Book: El callejón del blues

ISBN: 9786079697624
Precio de lista: $199.00
Descuento: 10%