El cuerpo abierto

El cuerpo abierto - Irene Ballester Buigues - Trea
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The artists of the question in these pages women are the subject of knowledge and the foundation of the representation itself, being the body of each physical space and a real support on which to represent and report the experiences of his life away from the phallocentric gaze, because their deeds are r appropriate permanent state of violence and contempt against women esponses. Subverting the male gaze supported by biblical fallacy that women were created for the pleasure of men will be the main focus of the work of these women artists, using your body without limitations because the limitations only been established by patriarchy. The findings collected in this haunting journey are presented in extreme images that have the ability to hurt, to encourage and to delve into our taboos intended to dismantle the patriarchal myths. Therefore, this work aims to form another art history than...read more


Book: El cuerpo abierto

ISBN: 9788497045735
Precio de lista: $895.00
Descuento: 25%