El Flujo de la historia y el sentido de la vida

La retórica irresistible de la selección natural

El Flujo de la historia y el sentido de la vida - Carlos Castrodeza - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 244 g
Rustic with flaps

Where do ideas come from ? According to Plato, another perfect world , Aristotle , in his way , create another goal , to Christianity , these arise from the divine revelation as the Renaissance , are generated through a 'heart' pure with which one can observe the nature without prejudice, for the enlightened , are what is left after leaving several superstitions . The nineteenth-century world, however, begins to perceive them as thoughts always contaminated classism or ideology -Marx , Weber , or personal complexes buried in the subconscious , Schopenhauer , Freud . Now it is the Darwinian interpretation that is reinforced today : ideas thrive if they help survival.

According to the author , this discourse that seeks its justification in biology today actually lies on a metaphysical platform, which underpins the rhetoric of knowledge an aesthetic mode . Ornamentamos cognitively...read more


Book: El Flujo de la historia y el sentido de la vida

ISBN: 9788425429453
Precio de lista: $600.00
Descuento: 30%