El futuro comienza ahora

De la pandemia a la utopía

El futuro comienza ahora - Boaventura de Sousa Santos - Akal
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Year of publication: 
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Weight: 760 g

The coronavirus pandemic is the great opportunity to begin a transition towards a new civilizational model
In this book written to the rhythm of the events caused by the covid-19, Boaventura de Sousa Santos carries out, between fear and hope, a brilliant analysis that tries to extract the many lessons that a pandemic that has intensified inequalities seems to be giving us and social discrimination. Perhaps one of the most important is the need to democratize democracy. In the midst of so many samples of anti-life attitudes, denialism, concentration of power based on decrees and states of exception, it is urgent to ask who really wins with all this.

In the first of the two parts in which the text is structured, it offers the most panoramic view possible of the devastation caused by the coronavirus, of the long history that preceded it, of the causes that determined the way...read more


Book: El futuro comienza ahora

ISBN: 9788446049760
Precio de lista: $680.00
Descuento: 20%