El hambre heroica

Antología de cuento mexicano

El hambre heroica -  AA.VV. - Paraíso Perdido
Publisher name: 
Paraíso Perdido

«The story is a genre that reveals the author; exposes and exhibits his way of translating the world into words. In words that, beautifully concatenated, make up a story. They tell something. I speak of the act of writing in its purest and most basic form. Understanding this truism: let everyone make balls! And therein lies the difficulty of writing a story. A story has rules. Clear rules and structure. Infinite resources. I read in a text by the almighty Flannery O'Connor that thinking of a story as something that is divided into plot, character and language is like thinking of a face as a mouth, a nose and eyes. It is not a literal quote, but it exemplifies my point. I'm talking about a story being a gesture. A gesture that can be both terror and amazement. Of pain and mercy. A gesture that drives us crazy with tenderness.

I will not quote here the lucky boxing comparison of ...read more


Book: El hambre heroica

ISBN: 9786078512720