El hombre sin inconsciente

El hombre sin inconsciente - Massimo Recalcati - Paradiso Editores
Publisher name: 
Paradiso Editores
Year of publication: 

In this book of deep theoretical-clinical analysis, Massimo Recalcati reconsiders in an original way the most widespread psychopathologies of the current restlessness of society: anorexia, bulimia, obesity, drug addiction, depression, panic attacks, somatization. His thesis is that in all these new forms of the symptom, the subject of the unconscious, that is, the subject of desire, is no longer the protagonist of the scene. Rather, at the center of the new psychoanalytic clinic is the subjective difficulty of accessing desire, that is, the absence, extinction, death of desire. Apathy, indifference, emptiness, the effort to exist prevail. In this sense, the new psychoanalytic clinic is an anti-love clinic, a clinic that is no longer centered, as was the case with the classic neuroses, on the destinies of love life: the hyper-modern subject appears as a lost subject, without center, do...read more

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychoanalysis

Book: El hombre sin inconsciente

ISBN: 9786079916633